Fed up with Recipe Art

Search art techniques on You Tube or fine art on Amazon and you will only receive results of kitch or old masters. Delve further and you will find a litany of “methods” to create “art”, usually by pouring paint over a surface and spreading or spilling. Most of these “techniques” involve alcohol inks or poured acrylics. These recipes for creating art are a fallacy and abomination that give false illusion to many that they are artists – when they are really only artisans at best, devoid of what is normally considered art. I hate to sound like an arrogant elitist when I write these criticisms but I am so fed up with recipe process art being received and accepted like regular art. NO! There is no real artistic criteria being applied to these processes! There is no conceptualizing or interpretation of nature going on with these methods! There is only, if that, a decorative aesthetic being used while the process is fulfilled. When anyone can follow a recipe and create what others can be deceived into thinking is art – that is a fallacy. Where there is no mental exercise of visual composition or artistic impression there is no art. When you are not depicting or arranging but are just an instrument operating as a slave to a process there is no art. You are worse than Artificial Intelligence – you are not using your mental acuity at all, you are merely a cog in the machine. Consider photography – a real artist can use it to capture a unique view of reality as art by exercising artistic criteria during its use. Most people just use cameras to capture a moment in time – by exploiting the mechanical process of freezing a segment of light. The same distinction can be applied to painting. Painting using a painting process is like using a camera without artistic choices being made. It is giving up your artistic will – it is failing to impose a vision. Even AI is more significant in that it is creating a vision – it just isn’t their individual vision but an illustration based on other’s art. Nevertheless, it is also a process. Let’s unite to take all the art produced by these processes and drown them in the seas! I refuse to be force fed more recipe art as genuine or worthy of praise!